Fri, Mar 28, 2025
Pres. Velasco holds first State of the University Address
TSU caps off September with QMS audit
Tarlac State University ended the month of September with the Quality Management System (QMS) online surveillance audit by the ACS…
DILG Tarlac awards Safety Seal to TSU
Tarlac State University was awarded with a Safety Seal by the Department of Interior and Local Government (DILG) on Tuesday…
8 TSU programs claim Level IV, III accreditation from AACCUP
Eight programs from different colleges of Tarlac State University were awarded Level IV accreditation status, while one program passed the…
OPPME leads discussion of TSU’s performance review by DBM
Findings and recommendations made by the Department of Budget and Management relative to Tarlac State University’s performance in 2020 were…
TSU qualifies for the 24th cycle of PQA
Tarlac State University has been deemed eligible for the 24…th Cycle of the Philippine Quality Award (PQA) after successfully meeting
TSU underwent the Institutional Sustainability Assessment (ISA) of the Commission on Higher Education last August 28-30, 2019 and has successfully…
TSU conducts Earthquake and Fire Drill
Tarlac State University conducted an announced earthquake and fire drill at the San Isidro Extension Campus under the supervision of…
IPDO and IPMEO starts TSU Planning Season
Tarlac State University has started with the series of planning sessions for 2020 and 2021 today, August 6, 2019, through…
TSU ensures quality through ISA
Tarlac State University responded to the call of quality assurance by undergoing the Institutional Sustainability Assessment (ISA) spearheaded by the…
Corpuz, Gamido to function as directors
Tarlac State University President Dr. Myrna Q. Mallari designated Dr. Niño B. Corpuz as Director of the Quality Assurance Office…
CHEDRO III Team Coaches TSU for ISA
The Commission on Higher Education Regional Office III (CHEDRO III) visited Tarlac State University on July 30, 2019 to conduct…
IPDO conducts first GIA Roundtable Conference – Outputs with Industries, Established
To provide a platform to address the areas on the performance of Tarlac State University graduates and on-the-job trainees, faculty-industry…
New Officials Named Under OVPPQA
TSU president Dr. Myrna Q. Mallari designated new officials to function under the Office of the Vice President for Planning…